The last report concerning deportations made by the United States of America declares that in 2011 the highest number of deportations were conducted by the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.
In the year 2009 387.790 people were deported by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. From this total 251.664 deportees didn ́t have any criminal record. In that same year 1188 peruvian citizens were deported, 813 of these deportees didn ́t have any criminal record.
Since the year 2003 the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency applies forcible drugging for deportations, the drugs are a given to people who do not have a psychiatric diagnose that demands those medications. The sedation is decided by the ofifers in charge of the deportation process in case they consider that the detainee show signs of resistance against being deported.
Since 2003, deportees have been given doses up to 55mg of anxiolytics, sedatives, tranquilizers and muscle relaxants drugs. The drugs used are Haldol, Cogentin and Ativan.
In 2006 the peruvian government signed the Free Trade Agreement with United States of America, whose objectives are eliminating obstacles to trade, consolidating access to goods and services and fostering private investment in and between both countries. The Agreement was implemented on February 1, 2009.
The video shows the moment when i receive a dose of a sedating drug for the reading the Free Trade Agreement signed by the Peruvian and the North American governments. Previous to this, i give information about the number of Peruvians deported from the United States as well as information about the practice of forced sedation during deportations carried on by the Immigration and Custom Enforcement Agency of the United States of America.
2012 · video · 5'06'' · Download the document here