Daniela Ortiz
A strategy of dispossession used by capitalism is to seize and control those resources that are a basic need for people.
In the 1970s, under the slogan “effectively combatting infant mortality in developing countries,” the Nestlé company, using a misleading advertising strategy in which its representatives dressed as nurses to promote formula milk as a guarantee of nutrition above breast milk, managed to get many mothers to replace breast milk with formula, which resulted in the death of hundreds of breastfed babies, given that the context of impoverishment where the product was imposed did not guarantee the health needs for the use of formula.
Similarly, Nestlé is currently co-opting water resources in the global south and preventing different populations and communities from accessing water in order to then sell bottled water at high prices in the same areas.
The Entrepreneur, My Nest and My Water addresses the urgent need to dehydrate, dry and destroy companies like the Swiss Nestlé that control and speculate with such basic human needs as water and breast milk.
2023 - Oil on canvas 10cm x 10cm