Daniela Ortiz


This is a series of paintings that show different cultural institutions of the Global North that have been exercising censorship, coercion and silence in the face of the genocide against the Palestinian people, but that at the same time have held exhibitions, talks and events where they claim to want to decolonize themselves as museums. The so-called “decolonization of museums” cannot occur in isolation from social processes. If there is no anti-imperialist, anti-colonial and anti-capitalist process, that is, a revolutionary process, in all areas of society, it is impossible to think that a museum can be “decolonized.” In the series, we see different museums that have been intervened, expropriated, demolished and burned after or during revolutionary processes.

Museo Guggenheim

The museum, which like so many others has been part of the machinery of gentrification and expulsion of working-class neighborhoods, is displayed as the headquarters of the Popular Committee for Housing.

Ludwig Museum

Museum located in the city of Cologne that carried out an act of labor abuse and economic coercion in 2022 using the accusation of “anti-Semitism.” The Ludwig would be renovated into a “people's prison” and an anti-imperialist court to prosecute those responsible for having carried out and collaborated with genocides, such as the current Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz or the current President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen.

Tel Aviv Museum

The museum of the current colonial state of Israel is presented as a Palestinian cultural institution that vindicates the revolutionary Ghassan Kanafani and in which there is an exhibition of the Palestinian artist Abdul-Hay Mosallam Zaharaha and a cultural activity on the Jewish and communist revolutionary, Olga Benario.

Bundeskunsthalle Bonn

The museum held a series of talks with the Zionist Merol Mendel, criminalizing pro-Palestinian artists. In 2023, it installed a series of posters next to my work “The ABC of racist Europe” accusing him of “anti-Semitism” for displaying symbols in favor of the Palestinian people. In the painting, the museum in the German city of Bonn is shown in ruins and in the process of building an apartment block by the state of “New Israel,” a state that should be located in part of the territory of what we currently know as Germany.

HWK - Berlin

The Haus der Kulturen der Welt, whose director publicly criminalized the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel (BDS), is shown with a real intervention by pro-Palestinian activists at the end of 2023, to which is added a painting with the phrase “No More Decolonial Washing” as well as flags of different peoples who are currently actively showing solidarity with Palestine.

MoMA Museum of Modern Art

The museum is the site of a number of Palestinian liberation organisations who have denounced MoMA board members such as Paula Crown, whose family fortune comes from the arms contractor General Dynamics, and the board's honorary chairman, Ronald Lauder, who condemned the ICJ ruling that Israel may be committing genocide and pressured US officials to continue supporting Israel. The activists also accuse MoMA of committing an act of Art Washing. MoMA was also part of the CIA-led Operation Long Leash to use culture as a weapon against communism and the various revolutionary processes in the 1950s.

Israel Independence Hall It is shown in ruins and with the Palestinian flag raised as a symbol of Palestinian victory.

2024 - oil on canvas. Dimensions vary between 5cm x 5cm and 17cm x 15cm

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