Daniela Ortiz
In 1978, in the city of Lima, the workers of the CROMOTEX textile factory took over the company's facilities. They had been organizing for a long time, the takeover of the factory was part of a larger process, they had meetings, assemblies, they organized training sessions, they were reading Mariátegui, they were reading Lenin. After almost 58 days of taking over the factory, when the sun rose on February 4, 1979, the workers who were in charge of security outside the premises were on the rise in struggle, alerted their colleagues that the police were arriving, 20 police tanks and 700 police officers surrounded the factory and began a violent attack against the workers who were inside. On February 4, a massacre took place, the Cromotex massacre.
The play “Take my blood and write in the earth, so that the people know that they are taking us prisoners. An anti-colonial reverence to the CROMOTEX union and an act of protest against the dictatorship of Dina Boluarte” using the role and history of cotton as a common thread addresses the rebellion of the working class of the global south, the complicity of white feminism with the colonial order, the legacy of the global anticolonial resistance whose seeds take root and where spirits and plants together plot anticolonial revenge; and finally bows to the experiences of struggle to follow and to those who rise up today, through a bow to the CROMOTEX textile union, its organization and resistance in Peru at the end of the 1970s, and to those who at the end of 2022 rose up against the coup d'état imposed by Dina Boluarte.
The play was presented at the Neumarkt Theater in Zurich in early 2023.
Direction: Daniela Ortiz - Dramaturgy: Julia Reichert - Trumpet: Silvan Schmid - Puppet training: Sebastian Ryser - Voiceover: Pedro Altamirano - Actors: Challenge Gumbodete, Melina Pyschny, Ian Valistoy